So, I leave this Saturday for my new internship. I was wrong, it is only a 3 month internship, the start date was later than I had originally understood which has consequently left me with a bit more (un-employed) time on my hands than I expected. Not only was I un-employed but my dad was as well and PRAISE THE LORD, he got a new job at the very end of last week. It was crazy, they literally called him at 4:56 pm and it was awesome! God has been so good to my family through this ordeal and I got to spend more time with my dad than I think I ever have in my whole life. And I got to babysit the two most awesome little people in the world Stella and Gunnar, my cousins Kelsey and Hauna's gorgeous kiddos. I do not know if I could love them any more, they are so precious to me.
Gunnar being awesome, eating dirt. |
I have also been keeping myself busy with a few, ok a lot, of projects. my recent kick has been baking, I have been baking up a storm, it has not been good for my waist line but my stomach is happy :). I have also been crafting away. In the past, people have joked about my mom and I that we do everything except cobble our own shoes, well... I kinda made shoes. I'm not saying they are perfect by any means, but they are wearable and I think they are pretty cute and quite admirable for a first attempt.
Stella with her "callies" aka coloring. |
I also made a dress for myself by salvaging the skirt off a dress that didn't fit any more and building a new bodice for it made from old jeans, and I used the old bodice to make a dress for Stella which totally doesn't fit, that's what I get for not using any kind of size reference. But maybe it won't be a total loss because Hauna and Nathan are expecting baby #2, gender TBA. WOOT!
I've made a couple other things, done some alterations on some clothes, seriously done a lot of baking and cooking, but it hasn't all been for fun. I undertook most of these projects to improve on skills that may come in handy at my internship, sewing, leather working, baking, sculpting, paper mache are all important skills for a props artisan.
I don't know what all this internship will entail, I don't know how much I will be working, I don't know who I will be working with, all I know for certain is that God opened the door for a reason and my real job is to walk through it and trust that he has something special planned for me.
Commit everything to the LoRD. Trust him and he will help you.
Psalm 37:5