So, if you don't catch the reference in the name of my blog, chances are you only have a passing acquaintance with Lewis Carol's
Alice in Wonderland. In this part of the story Alice is wandering through Wonderland, entirely lost and the Cheshire Cat appears they have a little dialogue that goes like this:
"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't care much where-" said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.
"-so long as I get somewhere," Alice added as an explanation.
"Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if only you walk long enough."
I currently identify with Alice quite a lot. I recently graduated with my B.A. in Theatre Arts and Communications and now I'm working for minimum wage at a preschool. I'm not complaining, in fact, I'm fully aware that the only person to blame -if indeed there is blame to be placed, is myself. Quite frankly, I have about as faint an idea of where I want to go as Alice. I have also recently been diagnosed with gout, a form of rheumatoid arthritis that typically strikes men over the age of 45 who drink too much, eat too much red meat and don't eat their vegetables, so how I ended up with it is a medical mystery. I don't really even know why I'm starting this blog, all I know is that it's been on my mind so here we go! Today I begin a journey, I don't know how long it will last or what will be in it, but I'm starting and maybe someone will find amusement from my hum-drum little life.
A little more about me...
I already mentioned I have my B.A.... I love to make things (my next internet goal is to open an Etsy boutique and see if anyone thinks the things I invest so much time in are worth investing a little money in). I make all kinds of stuff, greeting cards, jewelry, wall art, candle holders, plates, I have a lot of hobbies. I really want to get back into theatre regularly if not professionally. I don't think I want to act anymore partly because there are a million average size, average weight, average beauty blonde girls out there and partly because I don't like who I become when I have an audition approaching. I become incredibly critical of myself, especially my appearance, and incredibly irritable and that isn't a healthy way to live. I think that I want to stage manage or do props, I love both of those things and I think I could be happy doing either.
Okay, I think I should wrap it up for now...more to come soon I think.