Beginning in January I will be a stage management intern at The Old Globe! I'm going to be working on a new musical based on the book A Room With A View. I am going to be moving to San Diego and living with my grandparents which will be an adventure of it's own. I am so excited about this internship, but the reality is that it's only about 2 and a half months long and then I'm entirely jobless, but I know that God has that covered. I am also really genuinely excited to be living with my grandparents, I think it's going to be an amazing opportunity to get to know them. I am especially excited to get to know my Opa better, I fully intend to grill him about family history and create some kind of record.
I've made bracelets
I've made paperbacks into hard covers
I've made earrings and purses and scarves and bookmarks and I've pretty much lost it and I love it.
I'm so happy about so many areas of my life right now and it's very obvious to me that God really has a hand on what is happening in my life.
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.
Philippians 2:13
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